SESSION THEME | Values of provisions
NPS:UD lessons from the Big-Box tactics against free market parking
Thursday 2 April,
The recent NPS-Urban Development includes a proposal that would limit the ability for local authorities in major urban centres to regulate the number of on-site car parks required for a development. This presentation tells the instructive and sometimes hilarious story of how the carparking war was fought through hearings and the Environment Court during the development of the Auckland Unitary Plan.
Shopkeepers and householders tend to oppose a free market in parking for fear that more people will park kerbside on "their" piece of the public street but the heavy hitting comes from a cabal of big-box destination retailers who are onto a lucrative game developing car-based retail centres on arterial roads in industrial and "general business" zones.
What tactics do they employ to preserve their competitive advantage in this development game? How do they manage to suppress potential competition from the mixed-use intensification of town centre mainstreets? Why did they re-orient their forces halfway through their appeal and swing from an issue of "freeloaders" to "spillover effects?" Why will the supermarket duopoly spend millions to oppose a free market in carparking?
For the public good of course, your Honour - not at all to do with trade competition.
Presenter: John Mackay

Director, John Mackay (Urban Strategy) Ltd
John Mackay (B.Arch. Dip.T.P. MNZPI). John's work as an urban strategist ranges from masterplanning to preparing Plan Changes and evidence for hearings.
John prepared award-winning Plans and Plan Changes while a local government manager, with Boffa Miskell for 6 years, and now in sole practice for 7 years. He has been a lecturer for Auckland University's Urban Planning Methods and Plan Making Studio paper for 4 years. In 2015 he was accredited as a Planning Commissioner.