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With a focus on changing places in the natural environment - the relationship between the built and natural environment. 'Changing Places' will pick up on Wellington being the location of central government and the theme of RMA reforms changing the planning landscape.

We encourage those who wish to present a paper to consider and include their relevance to the #changingplacesNZ 
conference theme and sub-theme/s listed below:

Key conference themes ...


  • Up vs out, or is there something else?

  • Are compact cities sustainable cities?

  • Can good transport networks achieve a 30-minute city?

  • Topography and how this shapes where we live.


  • How can we enable creative business growth?

  • Culture, shaping our past and our future.

  • How to build our capacity to deal with shocks?

  • The future of transport networks.

  • Drawing on creativity.

  • Data and innovation, what can it do for planning?

  • Out of the box solutions, how do we grow our economy while protecting our environment?

  • Digital tools in planning.


  • RMA reforms and how they shape what we do.

  • Politics vs policy.

  • National direction.

  • Where to next for Maori involvement in the planning system?

Anyone can submit a paper - click here for full details

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