Work Group Manager - Planning & Property, WSP
With over 20 years experience in the planning industry in both the public and private sectors, and has been involved in a large number of significant spatial planning, policy, and public participatory planning projects with a wide range of urban, rural and coastal communities including Auckland's City Centre and Isthmus – city centre periphery, the Hauraki Gulf Islands, and the Kaipara District communities. Joao was part of the technical leadership team for the Auckland Unitary Plan. Governance, infrastructure strategy and funding, and land-use and infrastructure integration are key focus areas for Joao.
Associate - Programme Management, AR & Associates
Gavin has over 20 years professional experience working in the strategic planning, infrastructure coordination and community facilities fields. Besides spatial planning in Kaipara District, Gavin's recent experience has been as part of the team that has delivered masterplans for the Queenstown Town Centre and the growing town of Cromwell. This involved a suite of business cases for spatial growth, civic facilities, parking strategies and new roading developments to support public transport.

Public participatory processes for spatial planning for key urban areas in Kaipara - Dargaville, Maungaturoto and Kaiwaka
Public participatory planning is key to the success of community transformation. The Kaipara District Council wishes to enable sustainable growth for the communities in Kaipara through a spatial planning process which will flow into a future statutory District Plan review process. A spatial plan is a holistic approach to providing a strategy to enable growth and transformation of a place to improve the future social, economic, cultural and environmental wellbeing for communities.
Kaipara District Council is going through its district plan review over the next couple of years, with the formal process under Schedule 1 due to kick-off soon. Ahead of the formal process under the RMA, Kaipara engaged AR & Associates and Resilio Studio to prepare the Spatial Plan for Key Urban Areas - Dargaville, Maungaturoto, and Kaiwaka.
Project Objectives:
Assess the key constraints, challenges and opportunities for urban growth within the district including environmental and landscape values;
Balance the social, economic, cultural and environmental drivers in each centre;
Address the needs and aspirations of the community, Council and partners for how growth and regeneration can be accommodated and leveraged;
Engage with project partners, stakeholders and the wider community to understand, evaluate and consider all views; and
Provide a level of certainty for infrastructure providers, communities and potential developers while allowing enough flexibility to respond to changing demands and circumstances.
The presentation will provide an overview of the whole project through its various phases, and cover public participatory process undertaken with communities and Mana Whenua to prepare the spatial plan for each of the centres of Dargaville, Maungaturoto and Kaiwaka.