Stakeholder Engagement Consultant, Stantec
Daniel worked in local government as a planner, advisor and policy analyst over 12 years in Tāmaki Makaurau. He now works for Stantec delivering infrastructure throughout Aotearoa, predominantly transport projects. Daniel's professional interests revolve around using public participation principles to develop evidence for improved decision making, putting the user and the impacted at the heart of decision making. Daniel is a Southlander, living with his wife and two children in Auckland.
Guerilla Urbanism - Innovating Streets
Three projects show how disruption and quality data collection can transform urban spaces
Guerilla (or Tactical) Urbanism grew organically across the post-depression world in response to town planners prioritising private vehicles over people. It has in recent decades been adopted as a legitimate process to reclaim streets for people and sustainable transport modes.
This talk will share insights about work undertaken to help transform the Wanaka town Centre, Newmarket Public Transport and suburban streets suffering from rat-running in Nelson South. We will look at some of the challenges with doing things using immersive experiences and the opportunities that the new Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Innovative Streets Programme offers to overcome the resistance to change that planners and engineers face trying to implement transport and urban realm enhancements.